Happy 18th Birthday to A&F 2.0

Happy 18th Birthday to A&F 2.0

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October 4, 2023


4th October is the 18th anniversary of Mark Stansfield buying A&F Sprinklers.

As part of the celebration, we interviewed Mark to get his insights - from his start in the industry to what the future may hold.

How long have you worked at A&F Sprinklers?

18 years and 1 month. I was released from my previous position early, and  I

wanted to learn more about the business and how it ran at the coalface. So,

I came and worked here for free for a month before the legals were sorted. But

A&F itself has been going for 37 years so hats off to those who started it.

Why/how did you choose to get into this industry?

After studying my A- levels, I didn’t want to go to university. My mum’s side of

the family are from Rochdale and she brought home the Rochdale Observer.

An advert said "Fire Engineer". My careers advisor couldn't tell me what it was. I

went for it and became a Junior/Trainee Engineer and it all went from there.

What was the first big decision you made after becoming MD?

A&F had 4 employees and me. I needed to build and develop a team to move

forward. Teamwork is a value that forms a pillar of A&F 2.0 and is in our DNA.

This has been instrumental throughout and has helped grow that team of 5

people to the 120+ direct employees we have today.

How has the industry changed in the last 18 years?

I started in 1992 (31 years ago). The industry has transformed from those early

days. It’s really grown up a lot, and is now becoming recognised, on its own

merits, for its advantages - especially as the world starts taking sustainability

more seriously. The last 18 years has seen that growth speed up significantly.

How do you think the industry will change in another 18 years?

As above, the industry is now being recognised for its merits and by volition the

industry is stepping up in itself to train people better and provide specific

training creating defined career pathways.

What do you think sets A&F apart from our competition?

Our team comprises of a huge amount of experienced talent. Our standards

and values are the highest out there.

What has been the biggest challenge A&F has overcome in the last 18 years?

We grew through the largest and longest recession in financial history. And, we

have done three of the biggest projects in the industry, with all 3 having over

150,000 sprinklers each.

What made you buy A&F? How did your family feel about such a potential risk?

Although I started my previous job holding a very high position, I wanted to be

the boss (ironically one of the answers I gave during the interview). But I

needed my family with me on the decision. So, we went away to consider glory

or bust. The fact I'm answering this, says something worked and the family

team all form part of the A&F family team.

What has been your biggest regret in 18 years of owning A&F?

None. I don’t do regrets.

What is the future, as you see it, for A&F?  

Now we’re an Employee Owned Business, I hope the future continues to be

bright and prosperous for everyone, so they reap the rewards and benefits of their

teamwork and efforts. I hope that continues for many more years to come.

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4th October is the 18th anniversary of Mark Stansfield buying A&F Sprinklers.

As part of the celebration, we interviewed Mark to get his insights - from his start in the industry to what the future may hold.

How long have you worked at A&F Sprinklers?

18 years and 1 month. I was released from my previous position early, and  I

wanted to learn more about the business and how it ran at the coalface. So,

I came and worked here for free for a month before the legals were sorted. But

A&F itself has been going for 37 years so hats off to those who started it.

Why/how did you choose to get into this industry?

After studying my A- levels, I didn’t want to go to university. My mum’s side of

the family are from Rochdale and she brought home the Rochdale Observer.

An advert said "Fire Engineer". My careers advisor couldn't tell me what it was. I

went for it and became a Junior/Trainee Engineer and it all went from there.

What was the first big decision you made after becoming MD?

A&F had 4 employees and me. I needed to build and develop a team to move

forward. Teamwork is a value that forms a pillar of A&F 2.0 and is in our DNA.

This has been instrumental throughout and has helped grow that team of 5

people to the 120+ direct employees we have today.

How has the industry changed in the last 18 years?

I started in 1992 (31 years ago). The industry has transformed from those early

days. It’s really grown up a lot, and is now becoming recognised, on its own

merits, for its advantages - especially as the world starts taking sustainability

more seriously. The last 18 years has seen that growth speed up significantly.

How do you think the industry will change in another 18 years?

As above, the industry is now being recognised for its merits and by volition the

industry is stepping up in itself to train people better and provide specific

training creating defined career pathways.

What do you think sets A&F apart from our competition?

Our team comprises of a huge amount of experienced talent. Our standards

and values are the highest out there.

What has been the biggest challenge A&F has overcome in the last 18 years?

We grew through the largest and longest recession in financial history. And, we

have done three of the biggest projects in the industry, with all 3 having over

150,000 sprinklers each.

What made you buy A&F? How did your family feel about such a potential risk?

Although I started my previous job holding a very high position, I wanted to be

the boss (ironically one of the answers I gave during the interview). But I

needed my family with me on the decision. So, we went away to consider glory

or bust. The fact I'm answering this, says something worked and the family

team all form part of the A&F family team.

What has been your biggest regret in 18 years of owning A&F?

None. I don’t do regrets.

What is the future, as you see it, for A&F?  

Now we’re an Employee Owned Business, I hope the future continues to be

bright and prosperous for everyone, so they reap the rewards and benefits of their

teamwork and efforts. I hope that continues for many more years to come.

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